Frequently Asked Questions


Bay Meadows STEAM Career Academy Magnet Program
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Bay Meadows STEAM Career Academy?
Bay Meadows Elementary is a K-5 school dedicated to enriching students’ lives through science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM).

We are preparing children of today for a completely different job market in the future, and many of those jobs don’t even exist yet. The nature of STEAM is to spark creativity, innovation, and ingenuity. Combined with the 21st Century Learning skills such as communication and collaboration, we are helping to ingrain foundational skills that will lead to future academic and career success. In addition, leaders in Central Florida STEM industries were reporting that recent college graduates who were joining the workforce had excellent academic and technical knowledge but struggled to collaborate and communicate effectively in a team and struggled with learning from mistakes. These are all skills that start at the very beginning of a child’s educational career. Secondary schools and colleges also reported a decrease in student participation in STEM-related courses. By sparking the excitement of STEAM in young children, we hope they will develop a passion for STEAM and continue to pursue an academic path that leads to a STEAM-related career.

What are the grade levels at Bay Meadows?
Bay Meadows serves students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade.

What are the school hours?
School hours are 8:45 - 3:00 (2:00 on Wednesdays).
Arrival begins at 8:15. Instruction begins at 8:45. We recommend dropping your child off no later than 8:35 so your child has time to walk to class, unpack their backpack, and be prepared for the day by 8:45.
Dismissal begins at 3:00 (2:00 on Wednesdays). Students must be picked up by 3:30 unless they are enrolled in Discover After School Program or an after-school club.

Is there a before and after school care program?
Our before and after school program is managed by Discover. Early drop off begins at 7:00 a.m. After school care runs until 6:00 p.m. For an application and fee information, please contact

Do students have their own digital device?
Yes. Students in kindergarten and first grade are loaned an iPad. Students in grades 2-5 are loaned a laptop computer. Bay Meadows follows a blended approach to using traditional, hands-on, and digital instruction methods. 

How is Bay Meadows different from other elementary schools?
As a proud member of Orange County Public Schools, Bay Meadows delivers and assesses all state standards like other schools. However, HOW students learn at Bay Meadows is different. Project-based learning and hands-on exploration are a priority. Teachers deliberately incorporate STEAM skills by using the engineering design process and apply it to all disciplines. Giving students the opportunity to express their own creativity and process information helps build connections and confidence.

What are the requirements to attend Bay Meadows STEAM Career Academy?
Bay Meadows is an OCPS Magnet School, so an application must be submitted to enter the lottery for admission to Bay Meadows. Please visit for more information and a link to the application. Only Orange County residents can apply. 
Students entering grades 4-5 must pass the spring Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) for the previous school year to be eligible for a magnet transfer. The application deadline is February 15, 2024.

Is transportation provided?
No. All magnet families must provide their own transportation.